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Our Courses

Gateway to Graduate School

At GradTLC, we help graduate students learn and thrive. This Summer, 2024, we are offering two new online courses to prepare incoming PhD, Professional, and MA students for grad school. Through synchronous and asynchronous components, we’ll provide a high-touch and engaging experience to set your students up to thrive, learn, and connect. ​

Gateway to Grad School

For grad students who have previously lived, studied or worked in the US 


  1. Charting your Unique Path in Graduate School

  2. Navigating Graduate School structurally, administratively, and professionally

  3. Finding Resources on Your Campus to support you

  4. Getting a Graduate Degree: the Process

  5. Creating Tailored "Toolkits" to help you succeed academically

College Students

Gateway to Grad School, International

For international grad students coming to the U.S. for the first time 


  1. Learning in a U.S. Institution (including understanding U.S. classrooms and other academic “conventions” and being aware of disability services and academic accommodations) 

  2. Charting your Unique Path and Finding Resources on Campus to Support you

  3. Living at a U.S. Institution  

  4. Supporting your Health and Wellbeing (including Mental Health and Counseling Supports and navigating health insurance)

  5. Understanding U.S. Culture (including Race and Racism in the U.S. as well as D.E.I. Supports on Campus)


Offering high-touch, community-building courses


The courses will be asynchronous, with multiple modules, as well as interactive opportunities to reflect and engage. Each module courses will be accompanied by a one-hour live, facilitated meeting of groups of up to five students. This synchronous component sets us apart from other technological solutions, allowing students to establish relationships that can extend far beyond orientation and well into their programs.

Time Commitment

We expect students will spend approximately 2-3 hours/module for the course, plus additional time for the course’s  live meetings (for a total of ~15 hours for either course). The modules can be spaced out in whatever way works best for your institution: from one module per week to one per day.


Because this is a pilot, our price is flexible and negotiable, and we invite initial partner institutions to help us grow and develop our programs by taking part in assessments throughout the courses. 


Please let us know if you have questions–we are happy to speak with you about the programs we envision and how we can help you support your students. We look forward to learning together as we launch!

Additional Courses (Coming Soon!)


Mentoring with Intention


Preparing for Grad School as a Neurodivergent Student


Navigating Grad School as a Neurodivergent Student


Writing for Well-being


Discovering the Dissertation

Book an Appointment

For administrators and faculty: Book a free 60 minute consultation to talk about implementing these courses at your institution.

If you are a Graduate Student, sign up for more info about accessing our courses directly.

Thanks for submitting!

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